Filip Holub
Dec 11, 20161 min read
Log4net logs to Database.
This post will be about: "How to turn on logging to database with Log4net?" Several times I have dealt at work logging to database
Filip Holub
Dec 10, 20161 min read
How to move TempDB to another drive?
In basically, moving database TempDB is very simple task. Will be require run two queries and restart sql service. Why move TempDB to anothe
Filip Holub
Dec 9, 20161 min read
Nested Cursor for sp_change_users_login
Every DBA know this Error: "Error 15023: User already exists in current database." For example: When I backup some database from p
Filip Holub
Sep 18, 20161 min read
My Home Server for MS SQL
In this article I will introduce my home server. I will try to write what my server contain, I looked for a server to e-shop like or